THPG (Tony Hawk's Proving Ground) Good game. But I've been slowly falling out of TH's series for a while now. And plus, Skate kinda ruined TH games for me. Well, maybe not THUG (Tony Hawk's Under Ground). I could play that game forever really. For some reason, it never bores me. But yeah, Skate ruined it for me. Damn, that game is good.
Here's another game I love. FF8. Damn. What a game. Characters are cool. Story is good. Gameplay is ill. Meaning good. I'll play that game for a little while and soon find, 5 hours have gone by. Of course, the main character is a bit of a jackass. But hey, that's why we love him. One of the reasons I really love the game. Is the gameplay. Wow. The system they used in this FF is the Junction System. Which basically makes magic almost worthless. But hey, in return, you become a God. Still don't understand? I'll explain. *Plays Dethklok's Dethday) The Junction system works by taking magic you've stocked up on, and applying it to a Junction slot. Such as, HP, VIT, or MAG. (Health Points, Vitality, and Magic) I recommend you stock up to 100 of the magic you are junctioning to get the full effect. I'll use HP first. In the beginning of the game, your characters have low health points. You're not in any danger for now, but you'll wanna increase that health over time. Here's how to do it. Start by junctioning magic as soon as you can. Once you have 100, it's time to Junction it to your health. But first, you'll need something. A GF. A GF is a mythical creature with powers far beyond humans. You can procure two in the beginning of the game. One of the two, is.... Well.... Um. Can't remember the name. Or rather, I can't spell it.... So what!? Big hairy freakin' deal! Anyway, this GF begins off with HP Junction. Yeah, a GF needs this in order for you to start junctioning magic to your health. Oh, and it's not Shiva... So then.... Yeah, it's the other one. Questalot, or something to that effect. Make sure you have it learning that move. HP Junction. And then, when it learns it, junction the magic to your health to find, that it has increased. There you go. Over time, you will find more magic that does a better health increase. So be on the look out kiddies. Try junctioning from everything you see. By thats I mean monsters yous comes across. VIT and MAG works the same way.
In other news, I've played through all the Metal Slugs. And I must say, they all rocked my world. Great games. Great series. A fresh bowl of pudding for me. Mmmm good. I'm currently not playing Metal Slug right now anymore. Just back to my old stuff. Skate, Samurai Warriors, and DMC 3: Special Edition. Ahh hell, just look at my now playing list will ya?! Well, that's all for now. And thanks for reading. See you later.