November. The day of death for the gamer. Well, the death of our money anyway. I mean really. Look a all these games coming out for November. Wow, they really crammed them together. Did all the game designers get together and decide to put all their stuff out in the same month or something? Did I miss this meeting? If so, why wasn't I informed? I tell you one thing, I am seriously broke. Well, not really, but I am broke. I have some money.... Which is all going to November..... Damn you November.
Have you seen my wish list? Have you?! Take a look for yourselves. You'd think I was rich. Hahahaha. I'm not. I'm just really good with money. And I have a job. Something a lot of gamers still have yet to learn. Managing money. Good luck to you all learning that skill. And I will see you next time.
Just a little side thingy here. Metal Slug is fun as hell. All of the versions I've played are super fun. We're at Metal Slug 4.Great way to pass the time. I can kill hours on that. You can also do that at the arcade, Just lots of coins will be lost at those bosses. I play with my brother. I must say, we're getting pretty ahh... Pretty good at it.