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Twist and Turns IX: Top 5 Wrestlers in need of a change in character.

The title says it all. The following wrestlers are getting stale, and they need a change in character.

5. Chris Masters

He is indesperateneed of a heel turn. He's a strong man and he's got a good look to him. I think that he can get back to that level he was a while ago.

4. Sheamus

His character as a ruthless warrior is getting stale. He needs a face turn. I've heard he's a really nice guy out of character. Him being a face wouldn't be that bad. He's the only person on this list that I have with a heel turn.

3. Evan Bourne

He's basically the WWE's most glorified jobber with a string of wins every once in a while. He needs to become that speedy trickster. He could run-in during a match while the ref ain't looking, hit a spinning kick of some sort, and then leave before the ref noticed.

2. Daniel Bryan

He's been lost in the mid-card mix. He needs a heel turn to be considered a main eventer.

1. Kofi Kingston

He used to be able to get over with the fans, but he can't. He's the personification of a guy who's gotten stale. I'm not hating on Kofi, he's my favorite superstar, but he is stuck in mid-card hell! He needs a heel turn.