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Twists & Turns VI, Part I: My Extreme Rules (2010)

So, I'm bored most of my life, so I like to create title matches and running storylines for my own wrestling promotion, which has WWE & TNA Superstars. Here's the first match of my first PPV, Extreme Rules, which is a WWE Championship Steel Cage match between Jeff Hardy and the champion Shawn Michaels. Please leave your comments about whether or not you like the match.

Hardy and HBK lock-up. Hardy drives HBK into the corner. Hardy starts pounding on HBK. HBK reverses one punch and throws Hardy into the corner and starts hitting knife-edge chops on Hardy. HBK throws Hardy into the steel cage. Hardy's down and HBK locks on an Inverted Figure-Four Leg Lock. Hardy's able to get out and hit a dropkick. Hardy hits the Double Leg Drop to the midsection of HBK. Hardy sets up for an early Swanton but HBK moves and Hardy misses. HBK starts climbing the cage and he gets to the top but Hardy catches up to him and they trade punches on top of the cage until HBK falls off into the ring below. Hardy stands on top of the cage, contemplating what to do. He then turns toward the ring and hits a Swanton Bomb from the top of the cage onto HBK. Hardy goes for the pin but somehow HBK kicks out at 2. Hardy gets HBK up and goes for a Twist of Hate, but HBK fights out and goes for a Sweet Chin Music but Hardy ducks and hits a Whisper in the Wind. Hardy goes for the pins but HBK kicks out at 2 again. Hardy gets HBK up and hits a Twist of Hate, but once again HBK kicks out again at 2 ½. Hardy goes for the Swanton Bomb, but HBK moves and Hardy gets up and eats a Sweet Chin Music from HBK. HBK pins but Hardy kicks out at 2. HBK starts trying to escape the cage, but Hardy pulls him down and HBK lands neck-first onto the top rope. Hardy goes to the top rope and misses another Swanton Bomb. HBK starts tuning up the band, and he hits Sweet Chin Music. HBK goes for the pin but Hardy kicks out at 2. HBK tunes up the band again, but Hardy ducks Sweet Chin Music and hits a Twist of Hate. Hardy pins HBK for the 3 count.