Just finished writing a post for my blog. It will be up July 20, 1:00PM PCT. Read the full post on my blog then. Here's a couple paragraphs:
As you may know, there has been a rumor going around stating that Activision will be charging players to play on their online multiplayer servers. This rumor is backed with the video above. Some people believe the video is fake, and if it is the owner did an amazing job. But if it isn't fake, this could mean trouble for a lot of people. Especially Xbox 360 gold members like myself.
{pic of fourzerotwo and JD_2020's tweets from Twitter}
Take a look at the keywords "have" and "has" (hint: look above the arrows ). This means will you never be forced to pay for online. So could the plan be to be similar to Runescape? Will there be members and non-members? If that happened, that would mean that if you did not pay a subscription, you would be locked out of some features, and those features would most likely be the most wanted features.