You are all invited to the Twisted Metal Universe I will be staying on top of all Twisted Metal Information!
Right now I have info on:
*The New Twisted Metal that is coming out for the PS2 due out sometime before Christmas!
*A New Twisted Metal Comming out for the PS3!
*Information on Twisted Metal Harbor City also known as Twisted Metal Black 2!
*Information on the Twisted Metal Alliance a group of some of the craziest Twisted Metal Fans Known!
*Japan Gets Twisted Metal EX In Their PSN
So come in and post your thoughts about the greatest game ever at the Twisted Metal Universe see you there!
TwiztedMetal Blog
Twisted Metal For The PS3 Update!!!!!
by TwiztedMetal on Comments
I mentioned before that I noticed this at the top of David Jaffe's Blog:
During working we will list the latest News from Incog Inc Entertainment and their development progress of a new Twisted Metal for Playstation 3 (maybe Twisted Metal Black 2).
Now I have noticed a slight change in the heading that reads....
During working we will list the latest News from Incog Inc Entertainment and their development progress of a new Twisted Metal for Playstation 3 (maybe Twisted Metal Black 2). And the upcoming TM: Head On Port for Ps2, this year.
Call me crazy but that looks like one of David's Exclusives is going to be a Twisted Metal. I know this is not official yet but hell its right on the top of his blog how much more official you need! It clearly specifies Two different games one for PS3 and one for PS2. This is the best news I have heard in a long time. When I bought my PS3 the one game that I was hoping they would make is a Twisted Metal for it. Looks like my wish may come true.
Here is the link once again to his blog:
David Jaffe And New Twisted Metal Game(s)!!!
by TwiztedMetal on Comments
Ok I am not sure if you can tell but I absolutley love the Twisted Metal Series. Yesterday I was looking around to see if there would ever be another TM released and this is what I found.
All of this is right from David's Blog Posts:
We have a 3 game console/handheld exclusive deal with Sony and hope to have our first original game out sometime in 2008. In the meantime, we'll be putting out a port of TWISTED METAL: HEAD ON this Xmas season. The port- going from PSP to PS2- is pretty cool for a port because:
- It has the original HEAD ON title but it's now running at 60fps and has resed up textures as well as some gameplay tweaks.
- It has 5-7 levels from the never released TWISTED METAL BLACK: PART II.
- It has a documentary on the history of the series.
So for a port, we think it's a pretty sweet package and a pretty good deal. We're also trying to get the powers that be to throw in an art book that ships with the game (nothing fancy,just something packed in with the disc).
Just to be clear, the port of TM:HEAD ON does NOT count as our first title in the Sony 3 game's a port we are doing and THEN we start full time work on game #1. But unless the powers that be shoot us down mid-pro, we know what game #1 will be, the concept art is f-ing amazing, and I am crazy in love with game #1 already. Hope ya'll like it when you see it in a bit...
We started working out the maps for Twisted Metal: Lost this week, tuning and adjusting to make them as fun as can be. Man, it's fun to be working on Twisted Metal again. I'm loving it and hope you guys dig the new levels! Ok, gonna run. See ya!
Want to be IN the Twisted Metal documentary we are putting on the TWISTED METAL:HEAD ON port disc?
If you are interested, go here for all the info...we'd love to have ya!
thanks ya'll!
******Here is the kicker of all things******
Here is the link to his blog
If you look at the very tip top of the page were it talks about the construction of the webpage you will see this:
During working we will list the latest News from Incog Inc Entertainment and their developement progress of a new Twisted Metal for Playstation 3 (maybe Twisted Metal Black 2).
Does that mean that one of the exclusive titles is going to be a Twisted Metal for the PS3 I sure as hell hope so!!! But nothing official yet! All I know is that I am happy to see him working on the game series that made my buy my first playstation!
Check Out The PS3 Servers!!!
by TwiztedMetal on Comments
What do you all think about the Warhawk Server Set Up!!!
From the looks of these pictures it looks to be 10 PS3's per server Rack!
Looks like they are gearing up for the release.
The Cube.....
by TwiztedMetal on Comments
I just recently finished watching all of the Cube movies in order. The movies came out in this order:
Cube (1996)
Cube 2 HyperCube (2002)
Cube Zero (2004)
I would not watch them in that order because the movies make more sense if you start with Cube Zero because it is somewhat of a prequel to the whole cube series. So basicly Cube 2 is the last in the series thus far. I have no knowledge of if they are making another one or not but they are a good flick to watch if you like science fiction horror films. Lots of people die in very interesting ways most of the time in ways that have not been shown in movies until they were made.
The three movies are each based on the same premise; There is a gigantic, mechanical, cube-shaped structure (the purpose and origin of which is almost completely unknown) that is made up of lots of smaller cube-shaped rooms. Each of these rooms has 6 doors, one on each wall and one on the ceiling and one on the floor, which lead into adjacent, identical rooms. Some of these rooms are safe, while others are equipped with booby traps such as flamethrowers and razorwire which kill a person who enters the room. There are codes in the entry ways to help them figure out which are trapped and which are not but it is not easy to tell because you have to be a real brain to figure them out. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone so I will not tell anything other than that.
I will tell you right now do not go watching this movie thinking there is going to be great acting because there is none. It was the concept of the movie and its complexities that keep you wanting to know what the hell is going on. It is neat to watch the people in the movie react to what is going on. At first when they do not know what is going on everone is happy go lucky but as they figure that there is a better chance of them dieing then actually getting out alive their true colors shine some good and most bad.
Just thought I would share the series with you all most people probably never even have heard of it. As for the pictures shown above they are pictures of a Tesseract (look it up) I would also like to thank Wikipedia for some of the info that I input in my blog!
Motorstorm 1.2 Patch Is Now Available !!!!
by TwiztedMetal on Comments
Just thought I would give the update that the new motorstorm patch we have been waiting for is now up and running!
Time to race fair for once in your life!!!
My Warhawk Beta Review
by TwiztedMetal on Comments
Since you can not give a review for a beta I thought I would put my thoughts down in my blog.
I have been playing beta for over a week straight now and I think I have a good review for the game the way it is right now. Keep in mind this is just beta and they will probably fix the things I have problems with and I hope they don't change the good :)
Gameplay: 9
Once you get the hang of the controls and figure out what to use in each situation the game is outstanding you can do just about anything you want from driving a jeep or tank to flying a Warhawk airplane which can also be used as a ground vehicle in "hover mode". Not to mention you can do the whole hand to hand battle in the third person. Another great feature if you have friends over at your house and your in the middle of playing a game in most games you would have to quit the game then make a new one blah blah blah but in this game if a person wants to play along with you at your house they just hit the playstation button on the controller then press start and the screen will split in two. Then they are playing with you in any game you could be playing with 20 other people online and they can join you at anytime. The game supports up to 4 people on one console. This alone I think will sell this game to alot of people.
The game takes a while to get used to. This is one of those games that you can't just pick up and be good at. It takes time to learn what everything does and the strategies for each map. I think the weapons need to be fine tuned because in some situations it is hard to kill someone not of your same type Meaning If I am in a Warhawk and your on foot with a Rocket-launcher the person on foot usually wins because he can lock onto you and you can not lock onto them because they do not have a high enough frequency to lock onto.
Graphics: 8
This game has great graphics and everything scales nicely from when your way up in the air with a Warhawk to when you are marching on foot as a soldier. The landscape and vehicles look great. The details that you can put into your character is also great from different heads and body types to what kind of pants your wearing. You also get to put a insignia on your uniform and you can also customise your warhawk as well with different paint jobs and insignias. What is really great you can actually notice what people are wearing and what they did to their character.
Bullets and Explosions need work. When a missile hits the side of the mountain it looks like a baby explosion with a little poof of black smoke. I would also like to see the structures deteriorate when in battle.
Sound: 10
The game has unbelievable realistic sound. When a Warhawk goes zooming by you, you hear the whoooooshhh and you can hear every missile and bullet giong threw the air.... even the ones that hit you. The music is just as you would expect to hear in a war movie.
None that I can think of
Ease-ability: 7
Once you get to know all the controls your golden. It becomes a no brainer and you don't have to think about anything like what is gas and how do I shoot. You may find yourself just doing what your good at or what you know how to do best. This is a good thing because of the awards that you get for each type of fighting.
It is very hard at first to learn how to use the vehicles and what you can and can't do with them. It took me 3 days to figure out how to change seats in any vehicle. The jeep can carry 3 people the tank can carry 2 and the Warhawk can carry 2. The main thing is that it takes practice to get to know these vehicles and what they are best to fight against.
Value: 9
This game is a great multi-player and is great to have people over to help you fight against other people. They have put alot of thought into the menus to help customise just about every attribute from what map to what type of game you play on a map ect... I could go on and on about the customisations but they're just to many to list. They give you medals, ribbons, and badges for doing well inside a Ranked match. A ranked match is usually held on a Sony server and it records your stats. You can host your own maps and such but they don't go towards your rank. I almost forgot to mention that you can make and join clans as well.
Just hard to get used to all the different types of controls but once you get them you got them if that makes sense. Also they could tone it up a bit on the graphics. In that I am talking about the explosions and such.
This is a great score for a game that is in its BETA stages!
What Is Your Japanese Name?
by TwiztedMetal on Comments
I found this in a Forum and I thought It would be fun for my friends to try!
Here is what we are going to do write your name or a word or two using the Japanese method and the next person can decipher it then write their own.
example: ChimeikizichikuteRinkuchikata = TwistedMetal
A- ka
B- tu
C- mi
D- te
E- ku
F- lu
G- ji
H- ri
I- ki
J- zu
K- me
L- ta
M- rin
N- to
O- mo
P- no
Q- ke
S- ari
U- do
V- ru
W- mei
X- na
Y- fu
Z- zi
Have Fun With It! If you would ilke to make it easier you can split the letters up with a space to make it easier to decipher.
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