Tested MGS: Peace Walker for the PSP.
I can say it sucks because of something Konami hyped crap loads. Yeah - you guessed it. Multiplayer co-op. Its said to provide the ultimate online gaming experience. Sadly, it has NO FREAKIN' ONLINE mode at all!!
I'd probably give the game a 6.5 because I've waited forever and I just feel like Konami kicked a load of cow crap into my face. Honestly, come on guys - get your act together. It's like an exact clone of Monster Hunter except slightly better.
I'll be honest with you, its a fun game but its just not a game you can enjoy for too long cause it gets boring soon when sneaking by yourself, and some levels are impossible. You really need online co-op mode for maximum fun. This game only support ad-hoc mode so 4 players in 1 room can only play.
Sucks to be meh!!
Only purchase this game if your a die-hard MGS fan cause its quite likely you might be disappointed because its virtually no different to Portable Ops minus the online co-op. No blood too :(
I've got through the first 3 hours or so and storywise everything is going well - Just a real bummer that there is no online co-op available.
My full review shall maybe be published around next week by when I should be done with this game as well as Splinter Cell Conviction (which I actually started 2 days ago).