Hey everyone, last friday I went to see RE: Extinction and gotta say its great, it has some jumpy moments which is cool as thats what they should've had, oh and it also focused on Zombies instead of turning into a Bruce Lee rip-off half way through like RE: Apocalypse....so yeah, good movie, I enjoyed it so much im gunna go see it again next week:D Well actually its because all my mates wanna go see it now, so I said ill go see it again which is cool:D Just one thing, while watching it you have to pretend there is no such thing as the Resi games because that ruins the movie:D
I got alot of friends on GS, not as much as some ppl, but still quite a few. I never see most of these guys, but some (mainly Marksman:P) I talk to nearly everyday on MSN, also got some other ppl on MSN (Dan_Lero, KrazY KeV, Wii93, Sheena321, Scorpion etc.) but I was wondering if any other ppl have MSN, if not go download it:D If so then add me (if ya want) my addy is Ty.2@hotmail.co.uk -its great talking to ppl on GS and getting to know them better:D
School sucks atm, shouldnt have stayed on...shouldve just got a job or gone college. Ah well...so Im not so active with all this stupid A-level work I have to do (Too damn much of it!). My unions actually going well (after 1 died/revived/dying and the other got destroyed by GS because it had a bypass in the name and was made to 'post offensive content' or sumin like that....it was a good name for a union too and had over 300 members on the second day!...then I got suspended for 5 days...:cry:) so this new one (The Free Radical Union) just needs members and it should be successful:) So go join:D
Not much else to say, so see ya ppl8)