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Need New Officers For Changing Union

Yeah so Im changing the BooMStick Union as it was handed down to me after dying, and it never managed to get active again. So instead, im going to change it to 'The Final Verdict' which will be a union for ratings and reviews, in the union we'll post members reviews of games, movies, music etc. We can reflect on the critics scores and reviews for these too, and discuss them. News for games will be posted to keep you up to date with all the latest goings on, and we can rate the news too, the union is all about opinion, where we can discuss and give our opinions on anything within those catagories (maybe some others too) and everything can be rated and reviewed, it will all be posted on the union:) So, none of my officers are active in the union, and its time to let them go, they will all be demoted. Meaning I need some reliable officers, so if you wanna join the union, or become an officer please comment saying so. I'll be working on changing it tonight, if I get enough responses soon enough, I will start inviting people, with new officers coming first. If not, then I'll wait until tomorrow:)