If I recall correctly, Alex Rigopolus of Harmonix said in an interview with us at E3... 2007? that he wanted Rock Band to allow people who didn't play instruments to be able to experience the sense of togetherness and symbiosis of playing music with other people. He also joked make a joke later on, once the drum controller had been revealed, that his other secret agenda was for Rock Band to help create "an army of rock drummers" in the world, but I don't think he was ever too serious about this.
I don't think that Harmonix or Neversoft had any aspirations of Rock Band or Guitar Hero to ever be proper learning tools to help someone play guitar or drums. Even the drums, which are a fairly close analog to the real thing, won't teach you anything about the root fundamentals of drumming. As a drummer, one thing I have appreciated through Rock band is playing through the music of other drummers. its greatly diversified the rhythms I come up with in the band that I play in.
Its easy to see how these games might provide the seed of an idea in someone's head that they'd like to pursue learning a musical instrument, but it isn't a teaching tool. Its a rock show simulator to bring together musicians and amateurs alike, and its a pretty fun one at that.
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