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TylerWeatherbee Blog

Fable II Ending

Fable II a great game in my opinion could easily rank up to 8.5, except the fact that the ending with Lucien was just plain stupid. I mean honestly you basically kill him with the music box.... I was at least expecting some epic battle between us but no it's just boom shot to the chest and it's over, also I don't like the whole dieing part I mean you get knocked down then boom your right back up no penalty except that you get a few scars how lame is that.

On a good note though Fable has and extensive amount of things to do in the game from finding gargoyles, silver keys, bounty hunting, The Crucible, Quests, making money ( Which is far to EASY ), too just plain having fun.

So I guess if you look past the fact that the ending completely blows out the Ying-Yang then Fable II is a decent Game.

My thoughts, these be. (Sorry I like Yoda lol)