and here i thought this thread would be about the LACK of an ending... i havent been that disapointed in a game ending... in ever, given how the game was "A MASSIVE STORY THAT YOU CREATE, LIVE AND EXPLORE" yet, no real ending... no movie, just "you spent the whole game being evil, and now at the last second all that matters is the choice you make at the end.." ahaha i know SO many that were so careful about being good, only to find out that its all for nothing, and you just pick from the 3 different endings.... LAME EPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCC fail lionhead studios for a game that was so much fun in the begining, to peter out without some kind of amazing ending?? WTF?? and why has NO ONE mentioned htis??? I was a murdering slaver that stole and evicted everyone, only to find out that no MATTER WHAT i had to help the good guys for the main quest.... LAMEdRuGGeRnaUt
Gah I know what you mean, I was like WHAT that's it?? I drain him with a music box then boom shot to the chest and he is dead that's what I spent this whole time leading up to, no epic battle or weird twist like that Gypsy theresa being evil and lucien really being the good one? The ending truely was an epic fail.
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