To start with, it's called Gamespot Wide. Wide either means fat or... wide. Wide as in widescreen? Is there finally support for widescreen monitors? No, I don't think so.

The site options and navigation are mixed along the top and down the side. Some are repeated, some are not. Some options are even hidden one or two layers into the navigation. It just makes things more confusing than accessable, even after you get used to it. Sometimes sidebars can be neat, but only when you can minimise, move, customise or remove them, like you can do at BBC, Yahoo and others. When sidebars stuck and not useful to the user, it makes things cluttered and claustrophobic. Far from wide, the new layout seems squished.

There's even less space than before, if you have a widescreen monitor it seems even worse as 50% is blank, 25% is sidebars and only 25% for the actual text you're reading.
I'm sure the site will evolve to include customisation but at the moment, I'm not liking it one bit. Are there new features that soften the blow? Maybe, I don't see a list anywhere though -_-