I apologise in advance for any tpyos or spelling errors - as I type I am pickled and please bear in mind that I am typing on an old Mac keyboard at 0211 (GMT).
One of my good mates left my company today so we all went out on the lash. Long story short, the husband of one of the ladies I work with called me a "pansie" (I'm not sure why) and then when I was asked a question about work by one of my colleagues, told me that if I carried on talking about work, he would knock me out. Bear in mind that he is at least half a foot taller than me (I'm 5"8 ) and about half a foot wider than me as well.
I told him that he was behaving like a school yard bully and that if you're with a group of adults there's no point in throwing your weight around because it just makes you look like a knob. He didn't take it too well at first but eventually apologised to me after much badgering from his wife. I'm not sure if he was sick of being told off by wifey or if he realised that I was right so this isn't much of a victory but it's a victory none the less.
I only wanted to post this in case anyone that follows my contributions was being bullied, be it at school, work or anywhere else. If you stand up to this sort of person then they really don't know what to do! This fella had a choice - either drop me and look like a knob in front of all his wife's work mates or back down. If anyone is being bullied, please please please have the courage to stand up to the people that are tormenting you! It's people like these that have ruined my adolecsent life (again, sorry for any typos) and the one thing I've learned is that all bullies are cowards. I know it sounds corny but if you stand up to them they have two choices - either knock you out and look like a jerk or back down and look stupid in front of their mates.
I really hope none of you guys are being bullied but if you are, take a stand - worse case scenario, you get a smack in the face but you have the chance to be the person that stood their ground and changed someone's life. Get on it!
Much love to all my Gamespot peeps,
- Liam
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