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Christmas: So close yet so far... but my band is kicking ass.

Two months until I can play Half-Life two. Christmas is going to be one hell of a day. I'm gonna get a new free-weight bench and video games (good combination, huh?). Any way, since I am extremely poor at the moment, I will have to hope for the best on Christmas morning and hope that I get all of the games I wan't: Half-Life 2, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, and Need for Speed: Underground 2. I wan't a lot of other cheap-o games that have been out for a while, but the games I listed are the ones I want the most. Sucks I'm poor and have to wait... Ah well...

On a lighter note, My band started professionally recording a three song sampler to support our full length album when we get the money. The sound quality rules. Note that this is not a demo, but a three song sampler. We'll be playing a hell of a lot of shows to support this, but it's free. Drum tracks are done, just need to lay down my bass tracks, and do the guitar and vocals, master it and make copies. It should be finished by the end of the week or so. Hell, if anyone reading this wants a copy, just post your mailing address and I'll send you one.