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Christmas: The joys and woes of my holidays.

    So Christmas is here and gone. It was a good one for me. I got some cool stuff. My mom got me some new clothes and some giftcards and a sweet new leather jacket. It makes me look like a total bad-ass if I may say so myself. In terms of videogames, I've recieved quite a few since my last update. I most recently just bought Neverwinter Nights 2, which is awesome. I also bought Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War and the Winter Assault expansion. That game is pretty sick as well. I should also note that I picked up a slew of Nintendo 64 games since my 360 doesn't want to play nice. I'll explain that one later. Anyways, the N64 games I bought 1) because they were cheap and 2) N64 is pretty much my favorite old school console and my colection needs bolstering. I got Starfox 64, LoZ:OoT, Starcraft 64, Turok, and some others... 7 in total.

    About my 360... I love it, but it hates me. I bought the system on November 10th, 2006 and played the hell out of it. No more than 30 days later on December 10th, 2006, i turn my console on to find that I have a faulty CD/DVD drive in my 360. Wtf is right. 1 month and I gotta send the thing away to get it fixed. That's not even the worst part. Try calling the X-box customer support for yourself if you really want to give yourself an aneurysm. Anyways, I hear they'll fix it for free as long as it's still under the warranty. Now I just gotta get on the horn with them again and raise hell until they send me a box to send it away in. Not particularly looking foward to that, but hey, it's free... From what I gather anyways.

    Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas or whatever, and have an awesome (and safe) New Year.