Here and gone, way too fast. A good holiday it was though. As you can tell, I haven't posted a journal entry in a long time. This is because for the past year, I have been addicted to crack (by crack I mean, World of Warcraft). Anyways, as the game gets older, it begins to lose it's appeal to me. After being level 60 and hitting all of the endgame dungeons, the only thing left to do is wait for the weekends when my guild does the Molten Core dungeon (40 person end-game raid instance). This is the only thing left for my Paladin to do since I have virtually completed all of the worthy quests in the game, gotten my reputation up with the big factions, got my epic mount, etc. Now for the epic lewtz! Anyways, not to deter from my original topic, Christmas was great. I got some killer new(old) games. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (PC), Revenge of the Sith (GBA), New Droid Army (GBA), and Resident Evil 4 (GC). I also got a new Gameboy Advance SP, some clothes (Cannibal Corpse shirt from my mother \m/ ) and other stuff. With the WoW craze waiting on some rejuvination from Blizzard, expect to see a more active me in the weeks to come.
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