Free PS2!
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
Yesterday I posted an entry about how I got Half-Life 2 for free. Well last night, the freebies kept rolling in. My buddy has been having problems with his Playstation 2 lately. It wouldn't read discs and stuff like that. He just got Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater the other day and hasn;t been able to play it. He took the PS2 apart (forgetting that it would totally void the warranty) and tried to clean the laser lens. This didn't work. He got fed up and went all over town looking for one of those new smaller PS2s. When he finally got one he came to my house with his old PS2 and said that if I could fix it, I could have it for free. Needless to say, I took it apart and cleaned the entire thing out real good and used rubbing alcohol on the lens and it worked. In about 15 minutes, I was playing his MGS3:SE. He was shocked and somewhat upset that he just plopped down $150 on a new PS2 when his old one was just dirty. After seeing and holding the new PS2 though, I feel that I am getting ripped off. That thing is soooooo tiny and cool to hold and look at. Anyway, the point is, regardless of how my new PS2 looks or how un-convenient it is, it was FREE! (with the exception of a memory card and any games). All I need is a memory card ($20), games ($5-$50), and maybe another controller ($25), but the $150 that could have been spent on the system is still in my hands because it was free.......