So I hear that Dragonforce is confirmed for GH3. Am I totally pumped about it, being a fan of metal? Not really. It's awesome that DF made it into the game, but if they had to pick a legendary power/speed metal band for the line up, they picked the wrong one. Don't get me wrong, I dig Dragonforce but contrary to the "OMG DARGONFOREC INVINTED PWER MATAL!"-esque comments I seem to see everywhere, they did no such thing. They play power metal and they do it very fast, no doubts there. I've kinda grown so tired of seeing/hearing stuff like that from people I know and things I read on the internet, so I really can't be as excited about that as some people. Now if it were something like "Curse of Feanor" or "Heeding the Call" (Blind Guardian/Hammerfall) I'd probably need to change my pants after hearing about it.
Anyways, that's enough about rythm games. How about that E3 shin-dig? All I can say about that is that I am going to be sooo broke come this fall. Hellgate: London is still my most anticipated release. I'm also psyched about Resident Evil 5, Halo 3 (If you're paying $130 for the legendary edition, I'm sorry), Rock Band, Turok (holy crap! Turok? Totally!), Mass Effect and so on. Some of the games I can't get excited about, for example, Crysis. I wanna play it bad, but meh. I don't know what it is, but from what I have seen, which isn't much and may be the problem, I just can't get pumped about it. I loved Far Cry for PC, and I'm a huge FPS fan, so I'll definately play it and more than likey enjoy it when it does come out.
You might be saying to yourself, "Hey Jason, how you gonna play those sweet new PC games on your piece of crap system?" Well that question brings me to my next topic. I'm excited to say that I am finally going to throw down the money and build a new system from the ground up. It'll be a nice entry level Vista ready gaming rig. I hope to have it by the end of August. The spec will be as follows:
AMD Athlon 64 6000+ CPU
Geforce 6150 ATX Mobo
Geforce 8600 GTS 256MB (I can't help but feel bad for not getting an ATI card this time)
2 gigs of DDR2 800 courtisy of Corsair
A new 22" display to replace my dying 17" CRT
and a bunch of other goodies you probably don't care about. All of this is tentative at the moment. I may end up with a different mother board and an ATI powerhouse video card if I can afford it. That or run two 8600 GTS in SLI. I can't wait to try the GFW format with Xbox players. Having a Live account already, I'll have one ready for me on my PC aswell. I'm pretty excited about that.
Well, I'm bored with typing. Until I feel like posting the random thoughts of my scattered mind again, catch ya later.