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Halloween gaming goodness.

So Hellgate London is out now and it's everything I expected. Very awesome game if you're into the sort. I think I'm gonna be playing this for a long time to come, and if they make the subscription service worthwhile, I'll definately get into that as well.

Enough about that for now though. I got the January issue of PC Gamer in the mail this morning with the world excluse review of Crysis. I stated in an earlier blog that I really wasn't too concerned with it. After reading the review, however, I become more and more intrigued with this game. There's only one problem. I don't have a DX10 PC yet :( Soon though... soon. To sum up the review with out giving any spoilers whatsoever, it got a 98% (wowee). So if you get a chance, pick up the issue and check out the review. It's a good read and it will probably persuade you to buy the game, although you probably already will as I think I was one of maybe 2 r 3 that was skeptical.

Hopefully by christmas I'll have my new kill-machine done and will be killing many a foe in Crysis. Until then, HG:L will suffice, and as if that wasn't enough, there's Soldier of Fortune: Paback!!! Oh man, just the thought of a new SoF wets my loins. I don't care how "standard" the game looks. I love the gore in 1 and 2 so if for no other reason, I'll get it just for that. Trust me, or check out the trailers on Youtube. This one looks sick. Anywho, that's enough typing for now. I need to play Hellgate: London some more.... NOW!!!