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Happenings of late

So it's been a while since I updated. A lot has happened in my lovely world of gaming in the past few weeks. First off, I got a slew of new games; Mortal Kombat: Deception, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Star Wars: EaW FoC, and A Link to the Past, just to name a few. I also Finally beat Half-Life 2... yep, after 2 years, I beat it and within the same week, I purchased Episode 1 and beat it too. Awesome games. I recommend them to any HL or fps fan. I also posted a written review for HL2 and I'm currently working on a few others.

In other news, my local Gamestop and EB games aren't taking anymore reservations for the Wii :( Now I'll have to go try and reserve it at a retail store (Circuit City or Best Buy most likely). It's really not a bad thing, just a minor inconvenience since Gamestop is closer to my house :P (and possibly open at midnight for the release). Anyways, I'll still have one come Nov. 19th.

One more thing to look foward to, maybe more so for me than for you. Video blogs, coming soon! The first one will probably be a long introduction to me. A "Hello my name is... this is why I rule... Check out my sick collection..." so on and so forth. That will (hopefully) be done within the next couple of weeks.