It's been a long time coming, but the beta for Hellgate: London is here (has been here). Since I reserved the game, I got an open beta invitation and that's pretty much all I've been doing for the past few days. Unfortuneatly I can't go in to details about the game, but what I can say is that my opinion hasn't changed and I will still be one of the first in line to pick it up on the 31st of October. I've been having a blast with it. Flagship has done a really good job so far. It's not perfect (duh, it's only the beta), but I love it.
I also got my hands on Halo 3. I beat it, played some multiplayer and it was a pretty good. I'm not the biggest Halo fanatic, so it wasn't the greatest I've played, but it was still pretty awesome.
Other than those 2 games, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War has been taking up the rest of my gaming time. I've had DoW and the Winter Assault expansion for a while now, but I just recently got around to finishing the game. If I can pull myself away from HG:L long enough, I may pick up Dark Crusade this week. It'll probably be the last game I buy until HG:L hits the retail shelves. That'll give me a good month to play and beat the campaign and hit up the multiplayer, which is supposedly awesome in this expansion. I'm a big fan of the 40k table top game, so I have a lot of fun playing 40k on my PC when I can't play the table top version with my friends. Plus, Dark Crusade makes my army (Necrons) playable. I'll probably have some text reviews up soon for those games within the next month, but no promises there as school occupies all of my non-gaming free time these days.