Hurray for Gamestop!
by ULTIMA-Demon on Comments
So I went out earlier today for a cruise. I stop in the mall with no intentions of buying anything. Needless to say, I left with something, well... more than something. Let me tell you, it was quite a bargin. Five, yes five games for under $60. Granted they were all older games for Gamecube and PS2, I still thought it was a hell of a buy. Final Fantasy X (PS2), Final Fantasy: Crystal Cronicles (GC), F-Zero GX (GC), and Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 (PS2). All of which were released some time ago, but I just never played them. Now I can go spend the next few weeks in the not too distant past, enjoying some solid gaming. Gamestop's prices on used games are ridiculous at times, but I can't complain. The games I bought ranged from $3.99 to $14.99, all used and all promising titles. Although I'll probably be back to Gamestop multiple times, I probably won't be buying any games for the next month or so (atleast that's what I say). I also had to purchase a new PS2 controller, since I broke the L1 button playing God of War. I haven't been able to play it since because the game is nearly impossible without a block button, but now I can finally go back and beat the Challenge of the Gods, and hopefully the entire game on the god mode difficulty. As always, I'll try to put up some reviews for some of these games in a week or so (once I've had time to play them all a good bit).