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I wish it were Tuesday!

...because on Tuesday, August 8th, Dead Rising will be available for the 360! Also, the bands Slayer and Unearth release their new albums on the 8th! There's probably a ton of other sick releases, but those are the ones that tickle my fancy. It will also be the determining factor of whether or not I am going to buy an X-box 360 of my own. As of right now, I just play on a friend's 360 since he pretty much has every game worth playing on it right now (and a few not so spectacular). If Dead Rising kicks as much ass as I hope it will, I will probably break down and buy an X-box 360. There are also a few other games that I'd like to own for the 360 including; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, and Madden '07 when it is released later this month. What a day it will be. I think I'll be calling off of work for the rest of the week.

P.S. Slayer's new album, Christ Illusion is available in it's entirety for your listening pleasure at