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Making the jump.

So I finally broke down and went total access with Gamespot today. I was sceptical at first, considering people don't normally pay for website access (unless it's porn or downloadable music), but after some consideration, I realized that it's just like subscribing to a magazine... only cheaper and better. What started out a couple years ago as a convenient site to look up new game reviews and get some killer guides for when I get stuck, has sinced moved on to a collection tracking, Lo-Res video viewing, constantly updated equivalant to any video game magazine that I subscribe to. Now that I have made the jump to total access and am on the site enough to take advantage of all the exclusives, I feel that it was totally worth it. Hi-Res videos, exclusive interviews, demos, tournaments and much more are all now at my disposal. Not to mention the more recent ability to upload my own videos. It feels pretty good to take full advantage of such a dedicated site that is well maintained and constantly updated with all the latest news, previews and reviews. Like I said before, it's like a magazine subcription... except cheaper, and with videos of gameplay footage and interviews, reviews and previews. Also, you won't be waiting a month for the next batch of videogame news to break it's way into your home. Congratulations Gamespot for making another satisfied customer.