That's right, I skipped out on getting a Wii this weekend. After I have waited so long, why? Honestly, I don't know. It's a combination of me trying to avoid the hype of the system and all the games that I already have or have yet to buy that I really want to play before I commit to a new system. As I mentioned before, I just purchased an X-box 360 a few weeks ago and have since then been adding games to that collection. Games that I want to beat before I move on to other ones. So this pretty much means that I will be holding off on a Wii for some time (contemplating whether or not I actually want one or if it's just the hype messing with me).
Also stated before, I have purchased some new X-box games in addition to Oblivion and Dead Rising. Namely Gears of War. Seriously. This game is amazing. Not as noob-friendly as Halo, but just as easy to learn and really get into nontheless. Great graphics, great concept, great gameplay, all masterfully executed in one solid package. Enough of that though. The real gems I bought for my 360 are not the ones I got from EB games or Gamestop. No sir. I picked up 3 potiental GotY nominees at Burger King yesterday with my whopper. Sneak King, Pocket Bike Racer, and Big Bumpin' all for $3.99 a piece. The best part was that I didn't even have to buy a meal to get them, but since I was hungry and BK is the **** I got something anyways. These games are either pure idiocy or pure genius put in little green cases. I figured they were atleast worth a few laughs. And they even have acheivement points so you can get the most out of your four dollars.
Since I am not buying a Wii for a while, I've had my eyes on a few other games that I have yet to play or have yet to be released. Allow me to list them (in no particular order):
-Neverwinter Nights 2
-Medieval 2: Total War
-Final Fantasy XII
-Battlefield 2142
-Hellgate: London (I am really, Really looking foward to this one)
-Kingdom Hearts 2, because I still haven't played it.
-Maybe The Burning Crusade (WoW expansion) if I feel like throwing my time away again.
I think the titles in that list are more than enough to keep me busy well into next year. Anyways, it's enough to make me feel better about missing out on the Wii launch.
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