I recently bought a Super Nintendo and it finally arrived today. After 10 years, I finally have one back in my posession. I also went ape-*** crazy and bought a bunch of older games from e-bay. So far, the only on to arrive was Super Mario World, which came with the SNES. I mainly bought games for Nintendo 64, because that is my all time favorite console. Mortal Kombat 4, Doom 64, Blast Corps, Resident Evil 2, Mission Impossible, and Destruction Derby 64 are some among the N64 games I bought. I also got some other SNES games that I once owned when I was a wee lad. I also got Rebel Assault 2 for the PSX, because for some strange reason, I loved this mediocre game.
I absolutely love the N64 and SNES, mainly because I have so many fond memories of these two consoles. I've owned just about every console since the Atari 2600 at one point or another, but the SNES and N64 are the two that I grew up with. The ones that I had the most fun with when I was younger. Nothing beats having some friends over and rockin' them in some classic games for such ultimate systems. It's just a shame that my weekends usually consist of going to the bar and what not because nowadays, that's all any of my friends want to do. It seems that the novelty of being 21 in the US hasn't worn off for them yet.
I'm currently trying to rebuild my collection for these systems because at one point in my life (I'm sure many of you have done this in regret as well), I thought it was worth it to trade in games, so the majority of the games I once owned are now missing from my collection. I've comprised a list of SNES and 64 games that I plan on buying to bolster my library, both games that I once owned and games that I have shamefully missed out on. Here they are in a tentative priority order:
Super Mario RPG
Mortal Kombat 1, 2, and 3
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Chrono Trigger
Breath of Fire
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Ogre Battle 64
Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3
Super Star Wars (and RotJ, ESB)
Super Punchout
Star Fox
Final Fantasy 3 (and maybe Mystic Quest)
It's a pretty long list for a short term goal, but I think I can deal with it. I'm sure there will be some other random games thrown in there if I can find them cheap (as most random 64 and SNES games are). I shouldn't have much of a problem affording these since I won't be buying many new games until Crysis and Hellgate: London are released. I also might try and pick up a couple of old PSX/2 and Gamecube games in the mix. I've still yet to play Final Fantasy 12, Okami, Metroid Prime 2, Mario Kart: Double Dash and many others. Who knows though, I've gotta beat some of these games too, before I back myself up and have untouched games sitting around.
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