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The loudest weekend of my life.

This has absolutely nothing to do with games. Itäs just what I'm going to be up to the last weekend in april.

April 26th - Gigantour (Megadeth, Children of Bodom, Job for a Cowboy, etc.) Merriweathe post pavillion, Baltimore, MD

April 27th - Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir - 9:30 club, DC

April 28th - Paganfest (Ensiferum, Turisas, Tyr, Eluveite) Jaxx, W. Springfield VA

I don't know about you but I have tickets to all three shows on the way and I'm pretty excited. It couldn't have worked out better for me, as I live no more than an hour from each venue. An the fact that they are all in the same weekend just rocks so hard. It'll be a miracle if I don't die from exhaustion by the 29th. I may nend up taking that day off of work, but who knows.. who cares? METAL!