UNAN1MOUS's forum posts
i been a sony gamer since ps1 , got like all of em , ps1 , ps2 and i use my lil brothers psp every now and then and love them all.... BUT sorry to say in the fight of next generation consoles i bought the 360, ps3 is a dissapointment, graphics are better on the 360 (as compared by same games on both consoles) and the 360 has major titles two of which is gears of war (does the game own or what?!) and the upcoming halo 3 !! .... althought i would like to play some majort ps3 titles ( metal gear solid 4 and dmc 4) i have just been dissapointed by the ps3 and will only buy it after that outrageous price tag drops low..(will only buy it then for a few titles otherwise hell no).
Truth is and most of us know it , some by theory and some by actually comparing and ownin one or both the systems , is that the 360 kicks sony bottom!
[QUOTE="dannyc9"]PS3 just launched. Ownage Deniedownage approved.
ownage approved:
1)look at launch 360 games- they had superior graphics than ps3 launch games.
2.)look at a game that launched on both consoles, such as FNR3-360 still scored higher on the 360 than ps3.
*just shut up and play your lame ass rfom with ps2 graphics while we all play gears of war with superior next gen graphics with a superior online too. :)
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