So the people having a fit over the Wii not being able to play DVD or bluray would prefer them to include this feature and then Nintendo have to retail their VIDEO GAME console for $600 at launch. Because we all know what a smashing success that was for Sony's PS3. The Wii was a HUGE success without DVD's, while Sony posted billion dollar losses just for the right to say "Our system plays BluRay!!!" People can b*tch and moan all they want and point at Nintendo's systems and call them inferior and underpowered, but they must be doing something right because the Wii still outsells both the PS3 and the XBox 360. And the Nintendo DS outsells the PSP by more than a 2 to 1 margin. Anytime you can double the sales of something and it still doesn't even tie what is in first place, then your device got owned in the marketplace. I worked with someone once who told me he had 3 PSP's at his house that he bought for his kids and they didn't want them. He was looking to sell them for $50 a piece. I thought about buying one off him but didn't. I was never disappointed with my DS. And, my wife gave me a 3DS for Christmas, and the device is phenomenal in my opinion. Do I care that Nintendo isn't making mini-dvd's for it like Sony did with the PSP?? Hell no!! Why would I want to have to buy a 2nd copy of a movie I already own just to play a smaller version of it?? Gaming retailers were pissed at Sony for having to dedicate valuable retail space in their stores to PSP mini-dvd sections that no one wants! A Video Game system should never be rated on whether or not it can play dvd's. I have a PS2, an XBOX 360, and a Wii. I don't need all 3 to play DVD's. That's ridiculous. And since the PS3 is not backwards compatible, it's not like Sony is assisting people in "consolidating" their devices now is it? As for Netflix, I love it. No, it doesn't have a comparable library to what a Blockbuster video would have (do people still go to those?), but for unlimited streaming of what they do have for only $7.99/month, how can you beat that?
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