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USAFA2006 Blog

Yearly update

Time for my yearly update it seems! Preordered Dragon Age: Origins but won't be getting it until next week because of X-retailer's shipping methods :( Definitely looking forward to it though and can't wait to dive in. I love the typical style RPG that Bioware creates with super in-depth characters and lore, and though some said it was negative it's going to be fantastic. I'll write a review shortly after I start playing!!

Mass Effect, again?

Wow, so I def. didn't realize I hadn't posted on here for a year...anyways...I beat fallout 3 the other week and i've been bouncing back and forth between games and i've finally settled on mass effect for a fourth round. now i haven't played ME for about 5-6 months and coming from fallout 3, the dialogue system seems AMAZING. Just to have the ability to sit back and watch the dialogue take place instead of choosing every aspect is sweet!

I'm really surprised this isn't implemented in more games because it makes the game that much more engrossing. Don't get me wrong, fallout 3 is also amazing, but mass effect just grabs hold of you. Anyways, just had to rant on the awesomeness that is ME!

Mass Effect

So i bought the LE of Mass Effect. At first I started playing, hated it b/c of the combat, then the combat grew on me and it was actually good. And then I fell in love w/ it once the plot started to get moving and you have to make....lets just say choices. But the ending...its not bad, it has resolve, but it just seems like this game would be really fast if you did just the 4 main quests. It doesn't really integrate the side quests that well.

I still love it and think its one of the greatest games i've played b/c of the unique combat, and i can't wait to get the sequel and trequel, but I wish it was longer :-p