@mogan: and by the time the price drops, the game probably also got a lot of patches that fixed all the broken stuff. So now you're paying less for a better experience. This industry isn't cooked at all.
@philip6k: sure they will. The great thing about market research is how accurate it is and how it all works out. It’s not like both Sony and Square have noticed fewer sales from their $70 priced games and are now not happy with that being the case. Let’s just root for higher prices like the good customers we are.
@philip6k: When games are $60, you can buy 3 and be under $200. At $70, buying three games puts you at $210. Games priced at $80 you're just under $200 from buying only two games. Fewer games will be purchased by customers per year if the price for games truly goes up that much.
What's worse is that currently *everything* is more expensive so there's even less disposable income for people to use on video game purchases. Raising prices will not save the industry.
UbberDevil's comments