"If you have the money go and get 360!"
I just saw the ad online at bestbuy , buy a Elite and you get two free games.
"If you have the money go and get 360!"
I just saw the ad online at bestbuy , buy a Elite and you get two free games.
Well I own both consoles and use them for what they are worth;)
To answer your question I would say ps3 gamers are the meanest.
Just visit n4g.com and read the comments!"
Unfortunately we live in a crazy society anowadays. Many people are insensitive to someone feelings.
"I live in NYC the so called melting pot!" . We have many race issues here.
My method of handling people on my pet peeve list, is to use mind over matter!"
Lets try to be gamers and not haters!"
360/ps3 FTW!"
Sweet deal!"
I would go for it!"
I just recently purchased a Elite for $399 on Amazon. Now I have a 360 and PS3!"
I was watching the GT recap and I was like,ughhh....., this is what needs to be done
1. Make the 360 cheaper for the holiday
its a risk to make it cheaper, but they could be like, FOR A LIMITED TIME, and if they dont sell as much as expected then they could just go back to price
2. Have a music package
One of the greatest reasons people get a consol is for a music game. Make a deal with Activision or Harmonix in which one or more of the games is bundled in with the consol along with the periferals for a better price.
3. Mend hardcore and newcomers
If Microsoft wants to sell consols then they are going to not just dump us behind. Instead of going for a kiddie image, they should go for a holly wood, party, summer action movie image. Games like Sceen it are great, Rock band and Street Fighter 4
4. Have a game Tutorial
One way to get people into gaming is to have a tutorial game if you will, getting people aqainted with using the whole pad. I know alot of people have trouble using the two sticks. It doesn't have to be a shooter or action, it could be a slow puzzle adventure game.
5. Have more funny and inviting games
Games like Zach and Wiki and Sam and Max (hehe) have a very colorful, fun filled story that many many people would get into. If you havn't tried Sam and Max you should, they have an epsiode for free on the Computer. This would be a large selling point, as all non twitch games do not have to be about getting 4 squares in a row. To get people into gaming, they would have to try something new ( like sam and max, hint hint M$)
6. Have more high production simple games.
Like little big planet. Bright, colorful and fun for every one.
Thats it, if you have one add it:)
All the above plus the next Kingdom hearts game!"
I just recently purchased a 360 Elite.
I'm tried to recover my old gamer tag because i had purshaed stuff a while ago.
How do you reset your pass word? Calling 1800 4 myxbox wasn't much help!"
Over all E3 isn't what it's used to be!"
I thought all the three press confernces had it's moments but... on the other hand were lack luster!"
I own both systems(360/ps3) and they serve my gaming and digital entertainment purpose.
Getting back on topic ,in my opinion Sony's press conference was ok!"
Yep all cause of the 3 red lights. Well anywho guys where can I find the 80GB Bundle? Im checkin so many sites and they are all saying that its out of stock. :(
If you live in the us try circuitcity online.I saw ps3 MGS4 bundle there all weekend for 499$
Good luck!"
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