i picked up the 80 gig thursday. like you i was interested in a BC model. i played tekken tag on it and it played in slow motion i was really sad. i haven't tried many other ps2 games but i would look into the bc more and ask around on forums. IMO i don't like the bc on the 80 gig. i would think it would be much better on the 60 and 20.
yea they sold out fast. i went to best buy today at 10 am and half of them were gone when i walked in the store. i thought the line outside was for employees waiting for work. when i went inside a bunch of mothers were buying them all out. i saw this one lady behind me walked out with 3 of them. she did have two other ppl with her but they all went in one car with 3 ps3s. greedy. here's hoping you can find one. i know i wanted the ps3 with BC too. good luck.
i am wanting to get a ps3 sometime in the furture when i have extra cash. i don't see myself having enough in time of the new 80 gig release. my heart is set on a BC ps3. i know that the new 80 gig coming out in june will be BC but i am unsure if sony is going to discontinue the 80gig after they have all sold out. will they still produce the 80 gig as well as the 40 gig. just like how xbox has two options to choose from.
at the moment i am only able to find the 40 gigs in stores which isn't BC. i am not sure if the 80 gig is still being sold and i just can't find it anywhere.
anyone have an idea if they will still be selling the 80gig BC after all the june bundles are sold out? yes BC is important to me as i have sold my ps2 and am not fond of buying a new or used one.
I don't care who you are, if you commit suicide, you're a coward anddeserve to die. Nothing is ever, EVER bad enough to kill yourself over and if you do, you deserve no pity from anyone.Food_Nipple
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