People carry on about censorship and what not. Have these ppl actually been to a Big W store or a Target and sent a 12 yr old in to buy a movie like Trainspotting? Ive been there and ive seen it- Young kids can go into ne department store and buy whateva movie they like. Do you think the 16yr old behind the counter is goin to stop them or even ask them for ID- i think not! These dumb politicians have no idea- to ban some games will do nothing- if someone, whateva age wants to see violence or an adult movie they will! If you want to censor things then bring it in 100% dont act all sloppy about it, blocking one entrance and leaving another open>? Thats what makes me so mad about this whole debate- Im sorry but id rather have a kid playing Silent hill - which is violent- but its not real- a feral half zombie dog or a dead nurse isnt goin to EVER cross paths with this person than have this kid goin into Target and buying a movie like Trainspotting or Romper stomper which deal with real life issues and real life violence! Get ur heads together poli's and make a choice- either tighten up everything or just dont be so old school and let us all have a choice on what we play!!
UlTimatelee's comments