Well, today I went to take my Learners Permit Exam to get my Permit. I passed both the Road Rules and Road Sign portions.
So I finally have my Learners Permit. I think I waited too long, I should of gotten my Permit when I was 15, but since I got it today when I'm 16, now I have to wait till I'm 17 to get my License. Oh well.
Also, I'm considering filling my last Trusted User spot on one of my show guides. I don't really need another Trusted User, since I'm on here every day, but I just thought I filled that Trusted User spots. But I'm having doubts. Since last time I filled that last Trusted User spot, I had a bad feeling, and 5 minutes later I took it away. Then 10 minutes later, I saw a board, and the user stated that they were planning to be TU so then can unseat me as Editor. So I'm having doubts on filling that Trusted User.
I really need someone on that position that I can trust. I don't need to fill it, but I just thought I'd fill that spot. But...I don't know....
Well that's it for my blog. Thanks for stopping by :)
Speedy 8)