I haven't been able to go online for various reasons, I won't tell you because you won't believe, so I don't care, but to save me the time of typing, I won't tell you. It is something really cool, and if they like it, I will be accept it. Anyways, today I came back from school, it was half day, and I noticed, I am now editor for Ikue Ootani. If you were a Pokemon fan you would know, that she plays the voice of the most famous pokemon, Pikachu. I wanted to become editor for her, and now I am :)
Also, Tomorrow is my last day of school, I am happy because I am going to have a lot of fun this summer. And if what I didn't tell you all happens, I won't be going to school next year, I will get a tutor and I will go some place. Anyways, thanks for stopping by, cya.