- UltimateBastard’s Activity
I'm some what convinced this is why Sony skipped E3 this year, so they could do their own independent unveil show for the PS5.
Shadow of Mordor, Jedi edition? I don't really see a lot that makes me think soulsborne.
I'm guessing they're looking for a soulsborne style game with a story less crytic for those of the the western world.
Never played the Balder's Gate series, I know, wtf? But I've gotten big into the crpg genre in last few years with obsidian's pillars and tyranny and Larian's divinity original sin 1 and 2 being some...
@Berserk8989: I would assume they mean just the ps3 servers, that's the way I read it anyway. If they're closing the remaster servers, that really would be stupid.
@Berserk8989: True, although you could probably pick the remaster up for very little these days if you really wanted to continue playing it.
I'd be surprised if ES6 is even off the drawing board. Still convinced they just threw that trailer out there last year so fans wouldn't give them shit about making a new fallout first.
@xcael: even USB 3.0 isn't as fast as sata3 and theres no guarantee itll have USB 3.0, so I'd rather not use external storage thanks.
the product description spells the world surveillance as "surveillce."Eddie you never cease to make me laugh. Not only that you are pointing out other people spelling mistakes, the irony. But the fact...
@LethalBurst: new IP would be cool
@sbargovox3: massively disappointed at Obsidian. One of the better game devs and was really looking forward to this. Can wait a year though till it's on Steam let them Iron out the bugs and get a dece...
@mugg1n10: Yeah I was a bit confused by it. I got three month subscription for £1 there recently. Havnt used it, but for £1 I wouldn't complain.
@neurogia: pretty impressive for a game series most of the gaming world has probably never heard of.
@Thanatos2k: banning Fortnite? ?
Played a couple free weekends on Steam. Great idea, fun game, but in desperate need of a lot more content. Pretty much had done everything there was to do within a couple of hours.
@BabeNewelll: lol. You tell'em Gaben.
@untouchables111: Just out of interest, what was it that pleased you about the story direction?
Say what you will, I loved the prequels, obviously not as much as the originals, I can definitely see their flaws, but the sequels, fucking hell how gash are they?
Well that was disappointing. As always, Cheers Eddie!Although the prospect of a new from soft game in the near future is always exciting even if it isn't in the game of thrones universe
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