You are all not understanding yet. PS3 is too expensive for what it gives you. 360 is MUCH MORE accessible as far as price goes. PS3 will have great games. 360 will have great games. PS3 will MAKE YOU buy Blu-ray. 360 will allow you to make the CHOICE to go to HD-DVD. It's a FACT that NO ONE needs blu-ray. On that same coin, no one needs HD-DVD, either. These companies are trying to tell you that you need them, and that is simply not the case at any level. Most people don't even own HDTVs, so what does it matter to have them? Most don't have them and most don't even care. They want you to care so you'll BUY their products and make them richer. Do you really want to do that? If you do, then you're foolish because you just don't know any better. Want another fact? 99.9% of movies don't even fill current DVD-9 discs yet! What's the point of having more wasted space? Also, a vast majority of games nowadays (including hi-def ones) don't fill DVD-9 discs yet, either. Don't let them fool you. This holds true especially with Sony... They say you'll need a lot more space really soon. What they don't like to tell everyone is that the only reason you could easily fill up a DVD-9 disc super easily is if you fill it will lots of pre-rendered MOVIES. Now, if the disc is filled with movies, not only will you run out of space, but it's LESS gaming to be done because it's taken up with movies! Who, in their right mind, wants that?! Just think before buy a system. Don't allow them to tell you what you want or what you need. It's all just a big plan to get you to buy more next-gen stuff that MOST PEOPLE don't want or need. Do NOT let them screw you out of your hard-earned money while making them richer. Please!
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