All of these games DEMAND ALL OF MY TIME to get anything and they make me end up not even caring about them because truly worthwhile stuff are still locked behind a paywall or at the very end. Imagine paying and then also grinding. Free parts of it are rare and in between big, empty gaps. No thanks, I played OW2 for a couple of days and that was enough for me. Blizzard's version of Battle Pass system is horrible.
Now take this: It failed during the height of people playing games at home with record high prices of hardware, backed by the biggest online company, there was never a better opportunity or stronger contester for game streaming to creep in. Let this monumental failure be the ultimate nail in the coffin of cloud gaming.
@operatorzero: Yeah I'm also baffled that you decided to post a one-liner reply after a week. How a character talks does indeed distinguish characters though.
@operatorzero: I'm saying every character being a stand-up comedian is as ridiculous as every character being an orator, your "nobody complains" statement is untrue. Whedon's style is just bad writing and I'm baffled how you somehow equated it to Sorkin. The characters should not be interchangeable in their wit or articulation.
Ultramarinus' comments