Today, a stake was forced into my heart. Here's how I found out the news: I was downstairs eating some baked beans and reading my June issue of EGM, when my mom got a call from my grandma. I didn't pay much attention until the conversation was over with. I asked my mom why my grandma called, and my mom said it was because my aunt was going to stay in Bosnia for the rest of her life..I was devastated..
That is because, Bosnia is all the way on the other side of the world, and I have no way of seeing my cousins ever again, only when they visit, and that's not likely since they are set on staying in Bosnia. I'm more saddended because I won't get to be with my little cousins, and they aren't even that old..both under 10 if memory serves me right. So, i've been lazily sulking around my apartment, just thinking, like we all do when something bad happens.
I can't leave you folks with sadness in your hearts for me, I have great news also. First off, i'm officially done with 9th grade, as of today, June 8th. I didn't go to school because, I knew I would be emotional about it, so I stayed home.
Secondly, a minor accomplishment, i've beaten Jade Empire, it was done this morning, and may I be the first to strongly urge any fans of RPG games to pick this game up.
Now to the final piece of news, I, Uma-Chan will be going to a wedding in 2 1/2 weeks I believe, and no it isn't mine. :lol: Anyway, it's for my Uncle who is getting married, and his wife is rich so the wedding will be decked out, and who knows, you folks might get a picture to name the person behind the name. I can't wait to see myself in a tux. :lol: It's going to be fun, and as an added bonus, there will be females for me to talk to, since i'm sure the wedding itself will be boring. :D
For my closing comments, i'd like to thank all the people who read and reply, namely two, Bojocon and True_Gamer, thanks for being the first few to reply with such speed. :) It's like you two are ninjas :shock: And also, if you folks have any recently beaten games you would like to share feel free, or if you wanna let us know about some departed family, feel free to share, i'd love to know more about you. :)