Well I have some bad news. I got a new game a few days ago(Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy). I finally got to the final level and I saved it, since I was at the end of course. I was reading this Walkthrough that said I needed this two items so I could be the final level. Well I forgot completely saved it and now everytime I start the game up I start at the last level and I can't go back to get the two items!
It pissed me off beyond words. And I need those two items to get to the final boss, and I can't get them because they don't have them on that level. The only way to beat the game is to start all OVER!!!
How could they do this too me, it may have been my mistake but still they could've atleast put them two there. I bet I wasn't the only one to do that at a point in time. Damnit, until next time, your friend Uma.