Why do people, especially on the internet use us; their friends, and "family" as strucutual supports when they need some advice on a dying loved one? Or even better, love..i mean i'd gladly advise you, but don't drabble on and drag out the issue more then it needs to be..
Also, why do people on here, when being confronted and proven to be sad or even depressed, ask us; friends and "family", once again for help, but when we offer this support to the one in need, they turn on us, and give us the old "thanks, but that isn't helping". I mean, come on, you ask and then you return fire and put me down for helping..
I don't know where this entry came from, i've just been reading around on people's blogs and my messengers and i've been asked too and i've finally decided to speak my mind on this subject.
If any, and by any of mean the 4-6 of you that actually post in my blog have anything insightful or useful, or even stupid to say, please speak. Thanks for reading, oh and expect a review and cutting of 10 friends from my list in the next hour. =)