Been a while since i've made a bloggy. I thought i'd catch you folks up on what's been going on here, in Uma's life. It might be a long blog post so try and bear with me as best as possible, thanks. =)
First order of business, i'm getting a review up for Tekken 5 and Half-Life 2 for the Xbox up tonight, i'd appreciate if some of you could quickly glance over, and then agree or dissagree with the review, either is appreciated.
Secondly, I don't think i'm getting a job at the zoo as I previously mentioned, I don't acctually know but I haven't gotten an application yet, so i'm assuming two things; they got someone, or two they don't need me..whichever is the choice is fine by me.
Thirdly, if that's even a word..I am on the border of deciding to get Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, i do have the first Splinter Cell, and I enjoyed it, not a lot, but enough to play it for a while. Anyway, to my question, should I get it, simple yes or no and if you'd like give a reason why. Thanks.
And finally, I got my complementary issue of OPM because of my joing of Playstation Underground. I got a demo disk inside, which included Fight Night: Round 3, AFL, and Tomb Raider: Legend. Fight night, was fun, I didn't get much to do of course, but from what I got it was fun. AFL..was badish you could say, I like Arena football play, but the controls were not that good. Tomb Raider: Legend was amazing as far as i've played it. Lara's model was done nicely, overall graphics were nice, the controls sometimes were alittle laggy, but either then that good game so far.
Well thansk for reading, much appreciated and enjoy the rest of your week, because I know I will, being on Spring Break and all. =D