Haven't made a journal entry in a bit, so I decided I would make one..for safe measure, i'd hate if for my fans to forget about me..:lol: ..anyway, enough ranting, onto the random! :D
Let's see, well today I took the P.L.A.N test, which was 3 hours long, and consisted of four parts..English, Reading, Math, and Science..I think I did well on the english, reading, and science parts..but I bombed on the Math, right after question 9 (40 questions in all) I just guessed my way through..
Next week is the end of the first grading quarter at my school, and then i'll get my report card and i'll see how I did, and if my Math grade isn't a C or above, i'm gonna' lose my internet for the whole year..:lol: can't wait..and it doesn't even bother me, because i've been without the internet for a year before, I can survive..:lol: Probably..
Also, we are having our homecoming next Saturday, following the homecoming football game on Friday..I didn't feel like going, but now I do..since i've developed a crush on one of my friends..and we've been getting closer for a few weeks now..hopefully, she's not going with anyone and I can ask if she wants to go..and if that doesn't work, I can always see if she's up to go see Saw III with me. :D Oh, and the theme is "A Night to fall Inlove"..a perfect fit ehh? :lol:
Well, that's all I can think off, I just needed to throw some stuff onto "paper" and free my mind to soak up more crap..so I can entise you folks with my amazing life. :D
If you have any homecomings comming up, or any that have passed and you'd like to share, feel free..if you have that special someone, feel free to let me know, that's it..Until next time, Uma-Chan signing outtttttt!!!