@Steba93 @angeloti83 Umm it's called blowing out candles and throwing empty bottles, or just hit something with your sword when someone's within earshot, OR shoot a crossbow bolt near their heads. Did you even play the game?
This game is great, I've almost Platinumed it, I need another half of Beat School then I'm done. But that's when the real fun begins, I've been following this game since it was announced and I've go tons of levels in my notebook.
Deadlocked, A Crack in Time, Secret Agent Clank, and Tools of Destruction aren't innuendos. Maybe tools of destruction could be boobs? Quest for Booty and Size Matters are the best in my opinion (Of sexual titles).
@ dreman999 Sorry I know but I'm just making a point to the people talking about how they're not getting Mass Effect because of her and how BioWare forces you to play a certain way. But what it all comes down to is options, let them skip combat sequences. You don't have to, you've gotten your money's worth, let them waste their money if that's what you think they're doing. What they spend their money on is none of your concern, just leave them be. Personally there are some games I have played through the second half of after it got boring just to see how the story would play out, sometimes if my brother likes it I'll just be on the computer and tell me when the story is advancing and vice versa.
@ dj_pulserfan Really? Sooo I'm guessing that the Mass Effect stories were substandard and your hand was forced by BioWare to play it a single way even though there are tons of ways for you to play gameplay wise and story wise...yeah I don't think so. @Norborb So even though she possibly has nothing to do with Mass Effect 3. you won't buy it because BioWare is associated with her? If that is the case it is kind of foolish, it's like saying, this company or other refused to drop Tiger Woods after his scandal, I'm never buying anything from them again, mind you it has not affected the quality of their product in any way shape or form. I will get Mass Effect 3, it doesn't matter that DA was bad. High Moon made War for Cybertron which was a good game. They also made a completely different Transformers game that had its own series with Dark of the Moon. Now they're making Fall of Cybertron, which from all the previews is shaping up to be good. So just because a game is being made by the same developer that made a bad game, doesn't mean their next game can't be great. Besides, depriving yourself of Mass Effect 3 after playing through the first 2 was just a waste of your time, think about all those hours you put into it, do yourself a favor and finish what you started.
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