Here's part of a working fan-fic:
The loud sounds made by the Violet City Gym's gears woke Ky as he was napping on a nearby grassy hill. Ky smiled when he heard the familiar sound and got up quickly, brushing the random loose blades of grass from his shorts. He bent down to pick up his backpack and after throwing the straps around his shoulders, he set off at a light run towards the gym. "I wonder who Falkner could be duelling this time?" Ky thought as he ran. Ky had seen many of Falkner's battles, but this time he had a Pokemon with him, a Natu that was recently given to him by his older sister. Now that he was considered a true trainer, it was time he started acting like one. Watching this duel was going to be a learning experience, for both Ky and his Natu, not merely for sport. Ky reached the Gym's entrance and followed the signs pointing to the spectator bleachers above, high above the ground where the match was to be held. When he finally climbed all of the steps, he made his way to the middle where he could get the greatest view. There weren't many people watching today, so he could lean up against the glass without blocking anyone else's view. Ky saw that the other trainer had already made it to the challenger's highrise and that Falkner was ready, standing ever so confident on the opposite end. It looked like he had just made it in time. Before Ky forgot, he pulled out his Pokeball and called his Natu out. The young Natu appeared at Ky's feet, sleeping... "Hey, Natu! Now's not the time to sleep! This is going to be our bonding moment, and at the same time you'll be able to see how strong of a bird Pokemon you could be!" Ky said. His words hit deaf ears though, as his Natu just slept on. Ky became frustrated and picked up the Natu in his hands, shaking him a little bit. Ky smiled again as Natu's eyes started to open. Then, he pecked sharply at Ky's left thumb, causing Ky to hold up Natu with his right hand as his left hand recoiled in pain. "Gah! What'd you do that or?! I thought captured Pokemon were supposed to be..." Ky stopped as he saw his Natu hop off of his hand, perch onto the bleacher's handrailing, and stare intently at Falkner. "...tame," Ky finished, smiling. Ky focused his attention on the match, elbows on the railing. It seemed that the opposing trainer had made his move, tossing out a Larvitar and a Spinarak.
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