UnchartedChris9's forum posts
yea but you know very well if this was the other way around and the PS3 didnt have one exclusive on that list that lemmings would have a thread with 1000 comments in it by now. we all know it will be MGS4new account for this? how sad
that isnt the list for GOTY btw
Braid is on it too. Calm down. Omni-WrathLMAO, ok your right.. i stand corrected.. so i guess braid owns Gears 2, fable 2 and L4D fair enough
I know I know, your going to give me the "oh well, 360 already won GOTY on Gears 1 in 2006 so its sony's turn this year" no matter how you guys spin this, you guys where owned hard this year with GOTY.. LMAO NHL09 Made the running and Gears 2, L4D and Fable 2 didnt!! OMG so hillarious.. Hell even Resistance 2 made it and gears didnt.. wow, I guess MS didnt pay their gamespot bill, guess the economy is hurting them also.
So all you L4D fanboys, where are your "OMG TEH L4D GOTY CONFIRMED" comments! or the "OMG TEH GEARZ 2 HORDE MODE AWESUM, GOTY CONFIRMED" haha, get owned.
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