Downtown Salt Lake City to undergo major renovation, 3 city blocks will be leveled. All the cool little stores like the old book store and the smoke shop. Gone. To be replaced by a “more family” friendly river walk with anchor department store Macy’s. A new grocery store. The official press release made it very clear that this was being done by the “Mormon Church” and the over 3 billion dollars was not tithe money. It is being done by an investment group owned by the Mormon Church and will be connected to existing Church property. When the project is done all of the new stores will be closed on Sunday, including the grocery store. If the Dali Lama closed downtown Salt Lake City on Sundays I would be upset at him too. I like to go downtown on Sundays because Salt Lake City is a lot less crowded on Sundays. The Mormon Church has done some nice things for the state of Utah but I thought the “Blue Laws” (those laws which governed the closing of stores on Sundays) were long off the books but here we go.
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