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UneternalSleep Blog

Silent Hill 4 Review

This game was a lot different and a bit more difficult than previous SHs. Change isn't always for the better... at first I couldn't get a handle on the controls, the item-limit sucks, and the experience seemed a whole lot more like a Resident Evil game with Silent Hill influences. I have changed my mind since beating the game however; the story was really good, and although there was no jumpy moments, the game was still sufficiently creepy. I recommend this sequel just as much as the other Silent Hills.

Silent Hill 3 Review

Easily the most confusing (so far) in the series... there is a lot of crap about gods that I didn't understand, and that even perusing the messageboards could not help me comprehend. However, it does explain what happened to the child Harry took. In my opinion really, one of the most confusing questions would be *SPOILER ALERT* why Harry was not able to defend himself from the monster that killed him in this game, although he made it through all of the hell of the original SH? (Although in his defense, he wasn't expecting the attack, had no weapons at hand, and was like, 50... so I guess it is conceivable.) It would have been great if the ending had given me a better explaination of what the hell was going on with the story... maybe I just didn't get the ending I was supposed to... However, looking past the lack of explanation, this game was just as good as SH2 in it's storyline, gameplay, and creepiness. As I always say, a definite must-play; especially if you have played the original.

Silent Hill 2 Review

This game was much improved upon the original SH. Just as in the original, it was creepy in all the right spots, and and even more disturbing. I was astonished at the fact that some of the material got past the ratings system... I even found an article on the sexual overtones in this game. I couldn't believe that Pyramid Head appeared to be raping the mannequin in one scene. It was weird... but it made sense once you read that article.

I definitely say that this game is a must-play, if not to find out more about the series, then just for the over-all experience.

Silent Hill Review

------Just a note, I've decided to review every game I play (just the ones that are new to me for now, unless I get bored).... Not that anyone reads these blogs, but I figure it's nice to get my thoughts out on the games.-------

Silent Hill was definitely a step back for me- I had previously played SH 2 (just like for an hour or two one time before pathetically giving up) and SH 3 (which I actually completed... that could be the reason I always favored that game.) but the first of the series was like opening up a whole new world for me. It explained a lot that I didn't understand from the movie- as well as giving me a lot of what-the-hell moments. The graphics of course gave me a giggle, but it wasn't too bad in comparison to some of the games that came out on the Playstation. Thevoice acting, however...

It might have been the result of the ending I achieved, but I didn't really understand the ending...---SPOILER--- How the hell does Cheryl go on to become Heather in SH3? I mean, doesn't she die right there? And why the hell in the end credits does she look 18? Iwould also like to know about cybill... Apparantly I wasn't supposed to kill
her...-whoops- so is not killing her the definite cannon ending?

ANYWAY.... other than numerous questions... some of which I know I've forgotten, the game was great; Entertaining, good story, creepy in all the right places.... a definite must-play before any of the sequels.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Review

Today is the official day of my 100% completion of TRA (except for those damn timetrials). I will say that the game was wonderful graphics-wise, as well as experience-wise; it was really nice to see everything again, although I was disappointed somewhat with the shortening of some levels (ahem, the Cistern!). For some reason however, there seemed to be a lot of bugs, things that would work right one minute, but give you hell and have you cursing Crystal Dynamics the next. For instance, Lara would fall off ledges. Well that is fine right? You would expect her to slip sometimes; but you would also expect her to grab the damn ledge and not fall to her death. The wall run is a perfect example of this; works fine sometimes, other times it had you tearing your hair out. The Great Pyramid level was the worst experience- it took me 3 days to get past the one jump with that thing. Other than that- I would give the game at least a 9.5... everything was great except for the little quirks that just really pissed you off sometimes. And the commentary CD included was an awesome idea.


Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Finally recieved the game I anxiously awaited 7 days past release to arrive (never preorder from Wal-Mart!)... it's way too early for a proper review (I'm only on the 5th level), but I will say the game is as awesome as expected. You cannot describe the feeling (I guess awe) seeing the original's levels reimagined in this form. It's like Resident Evil REmake, but somewhat closer to my heart. I can't wait to see the Cistern... it was always one of my favorite levels, and I really hope it lives up to expectation. Seeing this game, there is definitely hope for a TR2 remake. How awesome would that be?

Until the review-


Fatal Frame....

I was reading the reviews of all three FF games, and noted that GS marked a noted decrease in difficulty from FF1 to FF2. I don't know if the same is true for FF2 to FF3, but it must be for first pair, because I just CANNOT beat Fatal Frame. I have successfully beaten the sequels, no trouble there, but the first game is hard. (I had a fairly descriptive word there, but I was forced to remove it.) I have started the game over three different times at least, with no luck. I like to think of myself as a fairly proficient gamer, and this is really a hard slap to the ego.